Week 5 task -- 3D world

So ,that awesome class, I clicked Active Worlds, viewed the virtual life. Got some ideas of 3D. Actually i used play online game WoW(World of Warcraft), it likes a 3D virtual life, isn't it.

Then, whats the difference betweeen these 3d worlds and text based social networks. Firstly, I think msn or other IM tool, the friend list almost were your real friend and family. In contrust, the 3d chat room is more like getting new friend from there or have fun. Moreover, its different way to communicate....

In 3d enviromental place, you can dress, build and have some increment services(payed user). Its a sense of flaunt, pride? ehh ,i think its more dangerous then IM . However, its more lively.


lecture summary , Week 5

So ,this week lecture is very intersting. It talked about Media, social media, and web2.0. It was funny and ralate to our daily life. It's about new tech and networks.

Firstly, it's the idea of technology and media, virtual community and individual identity. It is different relationships between individual people or realms. Using these techology, people can contact someone similar and share interests .

Moreover, discussed the ego centric social network. It's not still a room for share interests, but a place for people to talk friend or family they already know. Focus has moved away from groups of people with common interests to networks where you (the individual) is the common thread.(lecture notes)

--- Folksonomy
--- the idea of user-generated content
--- open API
--- Read-Write Web

Social Media
--- Weblogs / blogs
--- SNSs (Social servicesSocial network services)
--- Content communitiesContent sharing communities

past two lectures summaries ,Week 4

At the begining, I am still confusing for the weekly task, and I forgot to summary lectuer's note before. Fortunately, I wrote some notes in my note book. Hopefuly can relate to each other.

That lecture was talking about 'language of the screen'. This lecture was about the seen on the screen how to communicate with the audience. The lecture demonstrate some strategis and ideas. Meanwhile, answered the 5w+1h questions.

When - Close shot

What - Mid shot

Showing your performing an action

Where -Long shot

When - Wide shot & Close up shot

Why - The big close up

usually by revealing more about character and their actions.

How - single medium close up or a serires of close up can explain the answer.


Last, lecturer was mentioned the character's perform in screen, and the rule of the location. Inclued the rule of thirds. -the 180^ rule and so on.

w4 task - qustions 2

1How do search engines rank the stuff they find on the internet?
who, or what, makes one page (that you might get in your search results) more useful than another one, so that it is put at the top of your search results?
2what are some of your favourite search engines? why do you like one more than others?

1. Basically, something most relevant will rank higher. For example, in conversation, Jack talked Maggie, Mike talked Maggie, Nick mentioned Maggie as well, so Maggie must be popular. In internet, link most like 'quote', in B website linked A = in conversation B mentioned A, if C,D,E,F all mentioned A, so, A is the important one, thats A will be rank highest. Thats called pagerank rate, if you wanna check your pagerank rate, you can click this google free toolbar: http://toolbar.google.com/.

Of course, for Google, or Yahoo some commerical searching engines, they will rank these websitle based on bid fees.

2. I usually use Google as my first search engine. Beacuse it briefly and concisely, at the same time, there are lots of extra function in google, such as maps, GPS, translate tools. Anyway, I am Chinese, when I serch for Music, Video, or picture, I always have another choice.

answers for Week 4 tutrial task

1. What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?
Gas Mask ?

2. On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?
1969 O US Government, DoD (Department of Defense to be specific) X

3. What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?

His birthday : 28 October 1955 O

By the age of 17, Gates had sold his first computer program, a time tabling system for his high school, for $4,200.

4. Where was the World Wide Web invented?

1973 , DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) developed the TCP/IP protocol suite which was to become the backbone of the language used to communicate on what we today call the "WWW" or World Wide Web.
1989, The "WWW" is invented by Tim Berners-Lee, text only version, but allows hyper-links.

5. How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago?

6. What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?
Parsnip 14 feet, 3 ¾ inches 1990 8 pounds

7. When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?
thats a story .....

8. What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954?
sunny ,rainy , ?

9. Why is is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice?

10. What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?
> good luck
> stephon

W3 task 2 - my experiences with communication technologies

The second part of the task relates to your own experiences with communication technologies.

At the begining, I come from China. There are still popular using new communication technologies communicate with friends and family for long times.

When I was in high school(1999), there is a communication tool that called OICQ become popular in people's life, it similar to ICQ. And this time, OICQ grown into China's largest and most used Internet service portal.tool in China I think. Like Msn or Facebook, most of ppl in China have this one.

Communicate frds or family with these new communication techonologies is much more free and easily, meanwhile, there are lots of optional to talk them in different ways.

Of course, privacy is always an issue of me using new tech. For instance,.From facesbook or google, other user can collect information about me or other user. Sometime I dont want to provide this information to that person. However, they can from my friend list or something relevant to get information easily. Yep, i usually got some trouble like that.

youtube - New communication technology ? W3 TASK


I choose this video that was talking about how to Rank High On You Tube & Google using vedio. Currently, youtube & google become to a very popular and necessary internet tools or engine. From this useful vedio, we can get some ideas. >_<

Brief Introduction

Welcome to my new blog.

My name is Fanqiao Li, you can all me Ray if you like. I come from China. And I've been Australia almost 1 year.

This is my second semester in Griffith University. My degree is Bachelor of Communication. Emm, that's it, have a nice day!